Resources Every Student Needs!

Hello my lovelies! Today I will be sharing with you a list of different resources like Websites and Apps that every student should use. I have personally used all of these apps/websites and will you all a quick and honest review of them.

Todoist (Available on Google Chrome Extensions, Android, App Store, and Windows Store)
I honestly love this app, mostly because there is no way I can avoid any of the tasks I need to do. I have this downloaded on my phone, computer and even as a chrome extension, so it is impossible for me to ignore what I have to do. I am constantly on my computer or phone because of school work and blogging, which means that this is perfect for me. This app even sends notifications to your phone and emails to make sure you remember the tasks you have to do.

Wunderlist(Available on Google Chrome Extensions, Android, App Store, and Windows Store)
This is another variant of Todoist, which I have used before in the past. Honestly, this is just as amazing as Todoist and in all honesty, I really don’t know why I ever stopped using it. Also, it makes such a satisfying sound every time you check off one of your tasks and just makes you feel so good about yourself.
Google Calendar
This is what I use personally, but honestly I think any calendar app should work just fine

Flow Time
I personally think the concept of this is alright and I do have it as an extension on Google Chrome, but I have honestly only ever used this once. This app (or in my case extension) is in theory just a timer. You have three options 30, 60, or 90 minutes and you are supposed to work and be productive this time.
Even though, I do not personally use this app often, I know that many others still like it and find it very helpful.

Google Drive
Google Drive is a definite must when it comes to resources that every student needs. Google Drive allows you to back your documents online and collaborate live with other people on documents, excel sheets, power points etc. The days of actually going to other’s places to do a school project is done, it actually has been for many many years now… Regardless, this is crucial for students in my opinion.

I get it, you already have Google Drive so why would you need Dropbox too? Well, it is always good to back up important documents in as many places as you can. Those horror stories you hear of people losing important documents are real and I have experienced a few myself. For example, last year I was beginning a huge research essay for school. I had made the horrible mistake of saving the detailed outline in only one place, and I lost it tragically. I have to admit, I did cry and nearly had a panic attack, but fortunately I remembered just about everything. That could’ve been a million times worse, if I lost my final draft forever. Thankfully that wasn’t the case.
It would pain me to see others, like yourself, in a similar situation where they lost an important piece of work or document. So please do yourself the favor by backing up documents in as many places as you can.

These apps allow you to have the books you need for literature class and any other reading that you want to do for fun.

This app/website is an easy, ecological, and convenient way to have an infinite amount of flashcards on any subject available to you when you want. You can also make your own set of flashcards to study with instead if you prefer.

IB FORMULA is an app that I had discovered on the App Store, that completely saved my life. For those of you who don’t know, IB FORMULA is an app that has all of the mathematics formula booklets for the International Baccalaureate and it can be very useful for people like me who forget their booklet often. Even if you are not doing the International Baccalaureate this could still be helpful in finding different mathematical formulas.

This is a sort of search engine that I used specifically to help me with math problems and to explain the steps. However, you can apparently use it to help you with chemistry, history, physics, etc.
I’m guessing majority of you haven’t heard of it, at least I didn’t before my school introduced it to me. This is a website/app that allows you to graph functions beautifully.

This app has very limited use and there is probably only a limited amount of people who will be able to use it. However, this app has helped me tremendously when it comes with writing algorithms and testing them. The catch is, they only have this app available in French, but nevertheless it is very helpful.

This website is the quickest way to properly cite information in the format you want, and if for some reason you don’t cite your information YOU HAVE TO. If the IB has taught me anything, it is cite EVERYTHING.

Khan-Academy has honestly saved me so many times in my high school career and I continue to use it. Khan-Academy has countless videos on many academic subjects and will help you tremendously if you don’t understand a certain topic or just want to use it to study.

iTunes U
I personally have not used iTunes U for anything related to my high school career, but it did help me expand my knowledge on many things. For example, in the 10th grade, I became interested in psychology and decided to listen to lectures on my way to school. I completely fell in love with psychology during that time and it almost helped me find my major (I’ll save what I did end up choosing as a major for later).

Kognity (Paid Subscription)
I am extremely fortunate and grateful that my school provides us with a subscription to both Kognity and Questia.

Questia School (Paid Subscription)
Questia is a website that allows you to access many professional academic articles, books, and magazines to help you with any research you may have to do. My school funded a subscription for us to help with our Extended Essays and it certainly did help alot.

Many people already know duolingo, but if you don’t know this app helps you learn a new language. I have used this to practice my Spanish before exams, and now to learn Polish!

Projet Voltaire
Projet Voltaire is an app that I would only recommend if you are somewhat advanced in French and want to perfect your orthograph skills.

Spotify or any music streaming site can be helpful for listening to some chill or classical music while studying or even just to have something to listen to when commuting to school.

Crash Course (Youtube)
Similar to Khan Academy, Crash Course helps you learn whatever you can think of and they are continuously coming up with more content. When I would go to the gym during the school year, I would put it on the T.V. of the workout machine I would be using if there was one, or binge watch them by hooking my computer up to the T.V. at home.

I hope that this could have help you in any way possible, and good luck to all of those who are going to use this in the upcoming school year!


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