Summer job interviews

So summer is just about here and everyone seems to be traveling to the beach and hanging out with friends and family. Well.... Almost everyone. A lot of people are getting summer jobs! You will be earning money and you can do whatever you want with it! This year I even have an internship!

Anyway... The feeling of actually earning money is an exciting feeling! It's proving that you are grown up and you don't need to rely on your parents for money. But there is one thing you have to do before getting that job. It usually means an interview. Don't worry all you need is your charm, smarts and résumé to have a successful interview. Though you also need an outfit... But not to worry I have a few ideas and tips that should be helpful.

1) Blazer make everything look more professional
     They also come in many different colors and patterns! Go out and buy one at H&M or Forever 21 or anywhere. You can even go to your local thrift shop and pick up one! 

2) Do not go in your shortest shorts and your little crop tank. 
    Please don't (unless for some reason the job wants you to) For one it isn't professional and they might be looking for someone more professional. 

3) Can't find the perfect shoes? Try neutral colored shoes like black or white or nude

4) Who said your outfit has to be boring? And dull?! Add some color in your outfit to catch their eye! (Just don't blind them with a bunch of neons)

5) Have a positive attitude! 

6) Put your best smile on!

7) Have your résumé nice and completed. If this is you feel like your résumé is looking a little blank because this might be your first job/internship just list some awards or achievements you have. Tell them how many languages you speak or your skills. 

8) Try a job that you have some skill in

9) You don't have to work at McDonalds or a cashier at the supermarket. If you love fashion try a local boutique. If you love baking try a bakery or maybe even a cafe. Or you don't even need to work at those places but start babysitting or teach kids a new skill like sewing or tutor somebody to help them for school. The possibilities are endless 

10) Keep your makeup simple and your hair nice. Trust me you are beautiful and you don't need a lot of makeup. And try not to go to an interview with dirty messy hair. Wash it and style it. 

 Now here is my dress for one of my days:

Made by yours truly ;)

I hope this helped and good luck!


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