Sun kissed

So we already know summer is coming up and that most of us go to the pool or beach. But what about that nice tan? Or summer glow??? I'm going to tell you a few different ways on how to achieve    your summer tan.

1)Self-tanners. There are a lot of different self-tanners out there! Remember that if you do that then always apply it evenly because if you don't it is going to look weird. Trust me. I once used the lotion and I didn't apply it evenly so I looked really weird with tan streaks. 

2)Spray tan

3)Makeup! Put some bronzer on. Just don't go a few shades darker only on your face. 

4) The tanner. I don't recommend to go in one often

5) Going out in the sun. Okay if you do go out in the sun then please wear sunscreen!!!

If I had to choose one I would certainly choose the self tanner. I find it the safest :)

Love you all my beautiful angel faces! Have fun this summer!!!


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